Mab’ath-Level 1-1st Year

Topic Overview: Becoming Familiar with the Mab’ath of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP)-The Meaning of Prophet-hood, the Prophet’s Attributes: Observing Others Turn, Integrity, Not Being Selfish-Not Being Wasteful, The Importance and Status of a Teacher

  • Objective(s):

    1.Since children arrive at different times, it is recommended that before the start of the official program a craft that is related to the theme of the program is planned for the kids who come earlier.

    2.Displaying Prophet’s love and kindness that he had towards children.

    Procedures-Supplies Needed:

    1.Colored construction paper

    2.Glitter Glue

    3.Thick poster-board

    4.Glue stick



    7.Acess to internet


    25 Minutes

    Warm up/Craft:

    The instructions for how to prepare a collage frame with the theme of “Kindness of the Prophet (PBUH & HP)” is provided at the end of this table.

    The following nasheed can also be played while the kids are busy making the craft, to create a fun atmosphere:

    Print the different parts of the collage on different colored construction paper and cut them out.

    Print out the main picture on a white paper. Then glue the different parts of this collage in order on the main picture. Do this from back to front. Meaning first glue the parts that are farther and under other items then move towards the outer layers, respectively. If needed, some of the clothes can be colored in. In order to show the luminous face of the Prophet (PBUH & HP), use a gold glitter glue.

    Prepare a thick cardboard or poster-board in accordance with the dimension of the image. If desired, you may color it. You can decorate by gluing decorative fabric or even a ribbon.


  • Objective(s):

    1.Seeking means to the Holy Qur’an to illuminate our hearts that is means to salvation.

    2.Having a greater understanding about the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) and his story of being chosen for the prophetic mission.

    3.Becoming familiar about the era of Jahiliyyah of the time of ignorance (Pre-Islamic Arabia).

    4.Knowing the Holy Qur’an as a source of guidance for mankind.

    5.Becoming familiar about Surah al-Fatiha and its meaning.

    6.Knowing the importance of adherence to the Prophet (PBUH) and the infallible Imams (PBUT).


    20 Minutes


    Salaam everyone! How is everyone doing? Welcome to our celebration. My dears! We are very happy to have all of you here and we are excited to spend time together and have fun with each other. But before anything, let’s start our celebration in the name of God, and recite a beautiful Surah. What do you guys think of reciting together Surah al-Hamd [Surah al-Fatiha]? If there is some of you who do not fully know this surah, it’s OK. Just try to repeat it slowly with everyone else!

    بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ ﴿١ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّـهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ ﴿٢الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ ﴿٣ مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ ﴿٤ إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ ﴿٥ اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ ﴿٦
    صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ (٧)


    In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.(1) All praise is due to God, the Lord of the Universe; (2)the Beneficent, the Merciful; (3) Lord of the Day of Judgement. (4) You alone we worship, and to You alone we turn for help. (5) Guide us to the straight path: (6) the path of those You have blessed; not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray. (7)


    [Note: The Translation above is provided only for the mentor]

    My dears, does anyone know what we are saying by reciting this surah and what is its meaning? In this Surah, we are thanking the dear God, and say that we only worship and obey You, and nobody else. And we ask God to guide us in the same path of his best servants such as our beloved Prophet, his Ahlul-Bayt and beloved family, meaning our Imams, so we do not take the wrong way in life. Now that we better understand the meaning of this Surah, Insha’Allah we try to use it in our lives. What does that mean? It means that we should know that our beloved Prophet and his successors, meaning our beloved Imams are the ones who show us the right way in life. So, let us follow their words, and try to use them in life. That is, if they tell us to have good morals, or to always tell the truth, or if someone entrusted us with something or have said a secrete about their life to us, we should be trustworthy, take good care of what we have been given and do not tell anyone what they have said to us, or if they tell us to be kind, and help others, be sure to listen to them.

    Now, those of you who did not know surah al-Fatiha, make sure you memorize the surah until the next time we see each other so you can recite it for me. and we should all try to memorize the meaning of this surah. Now, my dears who knows what is special about today, and why did we come here and gathered here, and want to celebrate and have a good time?

    Yes, you’re right. Today is the Eid of Mab’ath. My dears, does anyone know why we say the Eid of Mab’ath? Why is it an Eid? Why are we happy? What has happened on this day that we celebrate every year? Yes, great! You know good things, and you have a lot of information about your religion. It’s very good to have good knowledge about important things and know a lot about the things that we don’t have that much knowledge! Right now, we’re trying to increase our knowledge and know more, first so that our love towards the dear God and our religion is increased, appreciate the fact that we have such a kind God, and the blessings He has given us. But also tell others what we know so they can learn as well.

    So now, I’m going to tell you a little bit about today; today is a day that our dear God, has chosen for us humans a person who is very kind and has good morals to be our teacher, and accept us as his students. If we assume that this world is like a school or class that we’re supposed to grow-up and be the top of the class, in this world and in the next, and learn good lessons in the class; we also need a good teacher, who knows everything well, and can teach us valuable lessons with his good morals.

    So, in this world, who has the best morals and is the best person other than our beloved Prophet?? Obviously, no one! Therefore, the dear God chose Prophet Muhammad [PBUH & HP] as a teacher, prophet, and guide for humans, and told people if they would like to continue the right path in life, and be among the best people on earth, they must listen to the words of the Prophet and do the things that he does, and just try to learn their lessons well from their teacher.

    Because this good teacher of ours only did and said the things that dear God wanted from him, the God that has created us, and knows what is good and bad for us, and knows who the best teacher for us can be. Now, Eid Mubarakkkkkk.

    Since today God has sent us this amazing teacher, we celebrate this day, are happy and are grateful, because if our beloved Prophet was not sent for us, it would have not been clear for us what kind of morals we should have had and followed, and we wouldn’t know what to do in life that would the best.

  • Objective(s):

    1.Becoming familiar with the era of Jahiliyat (i.e. era of ignorance or Pre-Islamic Arabia), the Mab’ath of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP) and knowing him as the man of integrity.

    2.Becoming familiar with the meaning of the word Prophet-hood.


    10 Minutes

    Story: The Mab’ath of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HP)

    A long time ago, there were people living who were not friends with one another and would bother each other. For them being cruel and teasing weak people was valued, and it was thought that those who were stronger and powerful were more successful. My dears, those people even believed that being clean is not a good thing. Therefore, not only were they themselves dirty, but also their city was not clean. They even ate dirty, and bad food. Not to mention, that even they were tired of their situation. Especially, women and girls, because men would not treat them right, and they were oppressed.

    But dear God, did them a great favor because he never leaves his servants alone and always thinks about them. So, to better their situation, he showed the right way for people to live. Among all those ignorant, and bad people, lived a young and kind man who worshiped God, and not the statues built by other people. Everyone adored and like that kind and young man. They all wanted to be like him, but because they’ve done so many bad things they didn’t know how to be like him. That young man, slowly became older, and so people trusted him more. And now that man was the only one trusted in that city, and even old and famous people would trust him with their valuable, and expensive items. They were confident, that young and kind man would keep their stuff safe for them. Therefore, because of this, God chose that young, kind and trustworthy man to be people’s teacher and show them the right way to live.

    That special day that we all celebrate, is the day that God sent his beloved angle Gabriel, so he could tell that young man this important news, and the name of this Eid is known as the grand Eid of Mab’ath.

    Who knows! Maybe if on the day of Eid of Mab’ath, dear God, would have not chosen this young man to teach people good things and morals; kindness and good morals would have not existed anymore among people.

    My dear kids! After the day of Mab’ath, when people listened to the words of their Holy Prophet, their city was not like anything before. People did not bother one another as before, they were not rude to each other, and their city was not as dirty as before. Now for them, bullying was not valued, but instead they liked helping each other, loving, and worshiping God.

     Now who knows, who that young, kind and trustworthy man was, and he is the Prophet and teacher of whom?

    Great Job, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP), was known as Muhammad al-Amin (the trustworthy) during his childhood and teenage years. On that big night, God gave the Prophet the Qur’an, which is our Holy book. Therefore, our Prophet became the teacher of people, and the book for that classroom became the Qur’an. By using Qur’an, our beloved Prophet, showed those people and the people who were born after them until today, the right way to live in life. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), tried very, and very hard and went through a lot of trouble while guiding people. But because he had the love of God and His servants in his heart, he never lost hope. Therefore, we should all be grateful of what he did for us! Having such a great teacher and guide like our dear Prophet who showed us all the right way to live in life, and taught us good manners, is a great blessing. Therefore, we should all use this blessing the right way, and thank our dear God for it.

    Now my dear ones, we will now want to watch a nice play, which is put together by our dear friends. But make sure you all listen to it carefully, so you can answer my questions!

  • Objective(s):

    1.To change the atmosphere of the celebration and to make it more everlasting for children.

    2.A physical activity for children.

    3.Maximizing their accuracy and reaction time.

    Procedures-Supplies Needed:

    1.It is required for the mentor to show excitement and have an expressive voice to make this play fun for children.


    10 Minutes

    Game: Doing Everything Backwards

    The mentor asks kids, to randomly, and quickly sit down or get up. Or ask them to do the opposite of what they hear. For example, when they hear to sit up, they should sit down, or when to look, they should close their eyes and so forth. In the case, that the kids are three years and older, this game of doing things the opposite is way more interesting and fun.

  • Objective(s):

    1.Becoming familiar with the majestic status of a teacher.

    2.Recognition of the Holy Prophet as a teacher chosen by God, and his responsibility in awaking people.

    3. Reminding the importance of being kind and helpful with others and the value of it.

    Procedures-Supplies Needed:

    1.The players can be kids who are older.

    2.It is best, that the character of the teacher to be played by an elder person or one of the mentors.

    3.For this play to be effective, be sure to create the class room atmosphere as best as possible. For example by using the chairs, board and tables used in a traditional classroom.


    15-20 Minutes

     Play: A Classroom without a Teacher (The characters can also be girls and you may change the character’s name)

    The whole class was in state of tumult, you could see some wrestling with one another, and others were arguing. The student’s hair and cloth are messy, and on the floor of the classroom you could see paper and pencil everywhere. While 2 kids are sitting on the school desks. While the dialogues are being conversed between the characters, at the same time, in the background the students are talking, arguing and wresting with one another. (But quietly)

    Amir: Give me my pen back Hamid, why did you even take it? I saw you taking my pen, hurry up give it back to me. If you don’t give it back to me I will take your notebook. Hurry UPPP give it back!

    Hamid: I don’t want to, come and get it yourself if you think you can. You think you can get my notebook, hmm in your dreams!!

    In other side of the classroom, one of the students who was paying attention to this side of the class yells, Go, Go Hamid!!! And then chants: Hamid is stronger, Hamid is stronger!!

    Another student throws small parts of a toy car towards students.

    Two students are talking, and right after the last dialogue ends, their voice rises!


    Ali: I don’t even like studying. I just like to watch TV, play and eat! You know what, I think that studying doesn’t get you anywhere!


    Reza: Yeah, you are right! I think the same! But my parents tell me that I must study hard, so in the future I can get a good job and help other people. But, I just think, why do I need to help others? Well, it’s none of my business, they should be careful, and do their own stuff. But first, why do I even have to like others? As long as I am having fun, it’s all good! (with a very superior, sullen moaning tone)

    Ali [nods his head in agreement, and says]: What do you think of escaping the school to go and play before our teacher and the principle arrive?

    Reza nods his head in agreement and declares that he is ready for this. Then he blows his nose with a tissue and drops it on the floor.

    Suddenly the class door opens, and the principle and the teacher enter the classroom. The principle and the teacher both say salaam to the students, and all of students replied.

    Principle: alright, this is your new teacher. I know that not having a teacher is not good, and now your new teacher has a lot of things to do with you all.

    Alright (Addressing the teacher), this is you and the kids, who are very much in need of your help, and must learn a lot from you, because it’s been a while that they did not have a teacher. The teacher nods in agreement. And then says: Don’t worry dear principle, we will become good friends for one another.

    The principle leaves the classroom with a peace of mind. Children, during this dialogue stealthy whisper and smile together. After the principle leaves, the teacher starts talking with the kids.

    Teacher: My kids, Salaam, how are you all?

    Some of the kids answer back and say: yes, we are good, but if we didn’t have class we would have been better.

    Teacher: Well my kids, you know that I am going to be your new friend…ra-online/! The

    students smirk.

    My kids, please tell me your names, so I know what to call you by. The children then begin to introduce themselves.

    I am Hamid, I am Reza, I am Ali…

    Alright, let’s make this class in a way that I ask you all the questions instead!

    My kids, in just these few minutes I have noticed that you guys bully each other can I know why?

    Hamid: Well, I am strong, and I want to use my strength, to get the things I want from my friends. Well they wanted to be strong too (with a very superior, sullen moaning tone).

    Reza: Nods his head in agreement.

    Teacher: Ok my dear Hamid, and Reza, does that mean if someone else was stronger than you both, would you like them to forcefully take away your books and your belongings?

    Hamid and Reza think to themselves: Well Noooooo. We don’t like that. Now tell me would you rather if I was helpful and kind to you or forcefully take away your belongings and bully you?

    Hamid and Reza: Well we would like you to be kind to us, then be a bully.

    Well then why do you bully others, even if you are stronger?

    They both go in a very deep thought and say: Yes, you are right we did the wrong thing. Next time we will try to be kinder and nice to others. We will treat others, the way we like to be treated.

    Now I want to ask another question, do you guys rather go and play in a clean playground or a dirty one?

    Kids: Well it’s obvious a clean one, we can’t even play on a dirty playground.

    Another student: it’s obvious teacher, we wouldn’t even want to go and play in that playground.

    Teacher: Great! That is right. Then why is your classroom so dirty and messy? Do all want to be in this classroom together?

    One of the students: Well it’s just that we want to leave early! (Then laughs)

    Teacher: Well don’t you want the classroom to be clean while you guys are in it?

    Kids think for a while and then say: Yes, you are right, it’s better to be clean.

    Kids start to clean up the papers on the ground.

    Teacher: Now that we know each other better and became friends, do you want me to tell you something good, then end the class and head to the schoolyard to play.

    Everyone with a loud voice: YEsssssssss

    Teacher: Well my dears, what is the name of our Prophet? Who knows?

    Kids think and Ali answers with a doubt: Are you talking about Prophet Muhammad?

    Teacher: Yes, Great!

    Now I want to tell you all some of the words of our Holy, and kind Prophet, who was the best servant of God. Listen carefully, that if you all like we would start doing it. And if you all didn’t agree we can talk about it.

    (The kids look a bit surprised, and carefully listen to what the teacher wants to say. The actors in this scene (the way the kids act in the classroom) are very important to attract the audience.

    Kids (while thinking and reasoning): Ok sir, tell us.

    Teacher: My dear kids, my dear friends, our dear Prophet was sent to us to tell us all, that we are all humans, our fathers and mothers is Prophet Adam and eve. God has created us all, therefore what is better than liking each other, thinking about each other and being kind to one another.  This way we would have a peaceful and better world. If we think this way, and not think about bullying others, we would be living a much easier and better life, and mostly importantly enjoy life together (Children attentively listen to the teacher)

    For us humans it’s not important how powerful we are to bully others (Hamid brings his head down) but rather the key is how much we respect and love each other, ven if someone was not kind to us. This is what it means to be strong and powerful.

    Now tell me, what do you all thing about this? Do all agree to what I said, or do you think they are wrong?

    While Hamid was embarrassed and ashamed he raises his hand up.


    Hamid: Honestly, just before you come and tell us all these beautiful words, I knew from the bottom of my heart that the things I’m doing are not right, and what you just told us is right. But I couldn’t do them. It was as if I got used to doing bad things, and I had forgotten how to even do good things. Until you reminded me of them today. (All other kids nod in agreement).

    Ali: awhhh You are right! I had the same feeling as you did! It’s weird how sometimes one knows the right thing to do but they can’t do it.

    Teacher: Yes, that is right my kids, because doing good things needs practice, and we must be reminded of them. That is why when dear God saw the people during the time of our beloved Prophet are not doing good things, have forgotten, and the devil has tricked them, it was at that time that Prophet Muhammad was sent to them from our dear God. So, he could remind them to do good things, and that there is a God who is always aware of what we do, He is the one who has blessed us with many things. Therefore, it’s important to have him in our minds, thank him, and be kind to His servants like Him and His Prophet who are very kind. (The kids face brighten up as if they were thirsty before and now their thirst has quenched)

    My dear friends and kids, just remember that like the people during the time of the Prophet who bothered their teacher meaning the Prophet very much, I hope you all don’t do the same with me. (while smiling, and joking around, everyone laughs and say alrighhhht)

    Teacher: Now aren’t you all ready to play as a group? Nooo???

    Students with excitement: YEssssssss

    Teacher: lets head out and play

    Students: hooooray!!!!

    Everyone leaves the scene

    Mentor: Alright my little ones! Did you all enjoy the play? Did you all like it? Now can anyone of you raise their hand up and tell me one thing you’ve learned from this play?

  • Objective(s):

    1.Becoming familiar with one of many sublime celestial morals of the Prophet which brought a wave of revolution.

    Procedures-Supplies Needed:

    1.Projector, speakers and appropriate place to play the animation.


    5 Minutes

  • Objective(s):

    1.Becoming familiar with the life of the Prophet, and his ethics regarding: observing other’s turn, trustworthiness, not being arrogant, and wasteful.

    2.Implement Prophet’s ethics in our daily lives. Learning from him and see our Prophet as the best role model.

    Procedures-Supplies Needed:

    1.Projector, microphone, and an appropriate place to present the Prezi slides.


    15 Minutes

    Prezi: Muhammad was Like a Flower

    Why Should We Take Turns?


    Image 1:

    Alright today we want to become a bit familiar with the morals of the Prophet of Mercy-meaning our beloved Prophet Muhammad. First, I will talk about right and wrong behaviors that I’m sure you’re familiar with them and then I will talk about our Prophet.

    Image 2:

    We always must wait for our turn, and not rudely take someone else’s. For example, in a store we should always wait in the line to checkout or when we are fitting for cloth. Have you ever thought how others might think about you if you don’t wait for your turn? Or let’s just put ourselves in other people’s shoes, and how would you feel if someone cuts you in a line and doesn’t follow the order, how will you feel about that person? For a few seconds think about this, so I can continue with the rest of what I have to tell you all and see if we have come to a conclusion or do you have anything else to add?!

    Image 3:

    At the park when we are waiting to use the slide or the swing, we should not cut in line, and get on the swing or the slide without observing other people’s turn. This way, we might get to ride a few times more than others, and we will have fun but this way we’re actually breaking the heart of others in line, and fail to respect their rights, and we are doing something really bad, and we should not be doing this to others.

    Image 4:

    When we want to drink from the drinking fountains at school, we should also wait in line for our turn to come. If we are thirsty, so are others, and we must respect their rights as well, and wait until it’s our turn to drink from the drinking fountain.

     Image 5:

    If we take someone else’s turn, it is as if we are forcefully taking away someone’s food and riding their bike without their permission. Because you’re taking way their right from them by force and instead use it yourself. And this is very bad, right everyone? None of us like anyone to take our turn, so we should respect others as well, and wait for our turn.

    Image 6:

    If we do not take turns and respect others when it’s their turn, then we might get into a fight over a small disagreement. It’s very natural that every human being likes to be respected. Everyone’s rights and time is valuable, and they don’t like their time and rights to be taken away from them out of selfishness and self-interest. That is why they might get upset and a fight may even happen.

    Image 7 & 8:

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), always stressed the importance of taking turns. One time he was at the house of lady Fatemeh (PBUH), and Imam Hassan (PBUH) wanted milk from him. Prophet Muhammad went and milked a sheep and brought it to the room. As soon as Imam Hussein saw the container of milk, he also requested milk. But Prophet (PBUH) first gave it to Imam Hassan. Then lady Fatemeh (PBUH) asked: O’ my dear father! It seems that you like Hassan more than Hussein? Prophet replied: No, I like both of them the same; but Hassan asked me first, so it is his turn. And then he gave milk to Imam Hussain.

     Why Should We be Trustworthy?

    Image 9:

    If someone borrows their friend’s doll, how should they return that doll? Yes, you’re right, as I said earlier, you already know these. They should return that doll safety, just like the way it looked, when they borrowed it.

    Image 10:

    What if someone has borrowed their classmate’s soccer ball, or their neighbor’s bike, or the book or pencil from their sister or brother? That’s right! They should take care of it and return it to them just like the way it looked. Who can tell me why? [Allow kids to express their point] Yes, it has many reasons. One of the reasons could be that the item belongs to them, and they sure need it, and must return that item back to them safely and in a good shape.

    Image 11:

    Another reason could be that, we humans sometimes need each other’s help and must borrow things from each other. Borrowing from others is not a bad thing, but we must be trustworthy. What does that mean? It means that we shouldn’t ruin the things we borrow, and we must keep it safe. For example, we shouldn’t break the pencil we borrow, or tear their book, or ruin their motorcycle. If we are not trustworthy, people will slowly stop trusting us, and won’t lend anything to us.

     Image 12:

    Prophet Muhammad was a very good trustworthy man. Years before him becoming prophet, people would call him Muhammad Al-Ameen. Ameen means being trustworthy.

     Image 13:

    Even if he borrowed a needle and a thread, he would return it on time and safely to its owner. Our Prophet (PBUH) would say: Whoever is not trustworthy, he is not a believer. This means that when someone is a believer and a Muslim, he/she has to pay attention to other people’s wealth, & what they borrow. But most importantly take care of them and return it safely to its owner on time. So, others would trust that Muslim.


     Why Shouldn’t We Be Arrogant, and selfish?

    Image 14:

    My dears, do you all want to know how arrogant and selfish people are? So, we could try and not be like them? Those who always think they are better than others, and always try to boss people around. Those people bully others, and never respect others. They never take the initiative to greet people, and coldly respond to others.  People don’t like arrogant and selfish people because they don’t feel comfortable being around them.

    Image 15:

    That is why these kinds of people, slowly lose their friends and become alone. God, even doesn’t like those who see themselves above others. But rather He likes to see others treating everyone the same, and not be arrogant. And most importantly not see themselves better than others.

    Image 16:

    Even though, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had such a great status before God, and was the best of God’s creation, however he was never arrogant and selfish. He never bossed people around and even spoke with the poor with kindness and compassion. He never saw himself above others but knew everything as the grace of God. At his house and while traveling, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), would never stop doing something just because he was the Prophet. He was always the first to greet people and would even greet kids before they would do it.

    Image 17:

    He would say: Whoever has a bit of arrogance in their heart, will not enter Heaven, because we must know that whatever we have is due to the grace of God. Therefore, there should not be any reason to be arrogant, and think that we are better than everyone else.We will also try to be like our beloved Prophet, be humble, and kind. And try to love everyone and not be arrogant.

     Why shouldn’t We be Wasteful?

    Image 18:

    Do you guys know what wasting means? It means running the water while you brush your teeth or throwing away your apple which has been bitten only once. These are all called wasting. Wastefulness means wasting the blessing the dear God has given us.

    Image 19:

    God has created and given us many blessings. Using these blessings is not a bad thing and is a good thing. But, is it a good thing if we waste the blessings given to us? That same food that we sometimes waste and throw away, can make a poor full. Right? With the power of a lamp that we keep on for no reason, can make a small house lit. With that amount of water that we waste, for example we use a lot of water to water our gardens or run the water for too long while showering, can satisfy the thirst of a thirsty kid or even a tree.

    Image 20:

    If we don’t waste, we have less expenses to worry about. We can do more with that extra money, do other positive things and not waste the blessings of God.

    Image 21:

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was never wasteful. He was always grateful of God’s blessings. He tried to even not waste a single small item. For example, he would eat everything on his place. He would never leave any food in his plate, so it wouldn’t get dirty and be thrown out.

     Image 22:

    Now tell me:

    1.What does wasting mean?

    2.Why is arrogance a bad thing?

    3.Why should we be trustworthy?

  • Objective(s):

    1.Introducing, and highlighting the importance of needing a guide to reach a destination.

    2.Play and joy while doing an activity.

    3.This game is intended as a recess for children.

    Procedures-Supplies Needed:

    1.The treasure can be any kind of snack along with a token of remembrance.

    2.A map for kids to find the treasure. The content of the map should be prepared in accordance with children’s age. The map should be prepared and printed in advance in accordance with place this activity is going to be done.

    3.Printing the map per number of participants.


    20 Minutes

    Group Activity: Finding a Treasure

    Alright, today we are going to do an exciting thing.

    We want to find a treasure. Do you all know what a treasure is? It’s something very valuable, like a gift for you all. But there is one small problem and that is, that I don’t know where all these gifts are. What should I do now??

    Let me ask aunty (uncle) who was in charge of buying these gifts for you and ask them where they have placed these gifts. Aunty! do you know where you have placed the gifts you bought for the day of Mab’ath of our beloved Prophet for the kids? Aunty says that she has hidden the gifts somewhere, and she has given us a map to find it. Hmm what an exciting thing. This would be a great game, what do you guys think?

    But first my little ones let me tell you that a treasure is not always a gift or a token of remembrance. Sometimes other things other than money can also be a treasure. For example, the good things we do is like a treasure for us, and it can be very useful for us.

    Now, this is great. Not only this would be a great game, but also, we would be looking for our gifts! Don’t you all agree?

    Now I will put you all in groups and will give you a map. Then you can start looking for these gifts ok? Any group that finds it, just take a sit and open the treasure. Also try to divide it among yourselves. You only have 5 minutes.

    Note: The map should be in a way that children cannot understand it easily by themselves. For example, the shapes and symbols used should be difficult for them to understand. After the kids try and were unable to find these treasures. We will be talking to them again.

    I have another idea. My dears! There are few people here that can help you all out (Older kids, or another person). This time we will look for the treasures with the help of them. You have another 5 minutes to look around. (This time the people who are helping the kids around, will show that they are more knowledgeable in some matters and can help them.)

    After finding the gifts: My dears did the elders help you out? Did you like it that way? Well, often people need the help of others who are more knowledgeable that themselves to be able to accomplish a task. My dear ones! Our life is like this as well. It is not that we can always find our way. Maybe we won’t need much help in accomplishing small tasks, but to find a big treasure we will need help. If we want to find the way of people who have good manners, be like good people, and be happy, which is a very big treasure; do you all think we can do it by ourselves? That is right, nope! We need help, and we would need the help God who has created us and knows the best. Right? We need a guide. So now did God ever sent us a guide or did He just left us be on our own? Yes, that is right. Our dear God, who loves us very much, has not left us on our own to find this great treasure and not be able to become good people. But rather, our dear God, has chosen for us prophets, and Imams to be our guide. He has introduced them to us, so we can ask for their help. And today we have all gathered here to celebrate the beginning of the prophethood of our beloved Prophet. Now my dears, you can open your presents!

  • Objective(s):

    1.Mentor should try to practice reciting the poems before the start of the program to be able to recite it coherently. Even try to memorize them.

    2. Ask kids to recite along with you the parts of the poem that seem to be a bit easier, to create a happier atmosphere.


    5-10 Minutes

    In the corner of the cave of Hira/he prays

    The gates of heavens/open towards him its doors

    The cave of Hira is awakened/suddenly by the revelation of God

    His heart becomes vibrant/from the revelation of God

    Goes he to the town/to tell this news

    He goes around the town/ to fill it with this news


    One night in the cave of Hira/a revelation was heard

    Read Muhammad, read it / said the voice

    The cave was lit/a world of stars

    The voice echoes again/ read Muhammad, read!
    It is too great: What shall I read?

    In my head, my frame shivering yet/I cannot read

    Said the angel/Read in the Name of Thy Lord…
    I am, Gabriel/ and you are the Prophet of the time

    The 27th of Rajab it was/that became Muhammad the Prophet

    The day of Mab’ath it was/he the last of the prophets

    Khadija and Ali were the first/Muslims to believe in One God

    And did they not bow to the idols/And instead believed in one God

    His mission the previous prophets had foretold,

    He destined to deliver humanity from the dark hold

    Muhammad al-Mustafa/Our kind Prophet

    His clear message was obeying Allah

    He was the last Prophet, Islam was his religion

    Filled the world with flowers, peace was the message of his religion

    He brought with him the Qur’an/full of stories and teachings

    It is the light of our way/guiding us to the right path

  • Objective(s):

    1.Maximizing children’s ability in learning and memorization by doing related work at home.

    Procedures-Supplies Needed:

    1.Printing the Prezi slides per number of participants.

    Take-Home Activity: The Prophet of Mercy

    Print out the information given in the Prezi slides and give it to the children’s parents. Ask them, to read it for their child[ren]for a few nights before bedtime, so they can be aware of the content that was taught to the kids. So, they too can help to convey and work on this idea at home: that the Prophet was the Prophet of mercy and he is an ideal role model for good manners and ethics.

  • Objective(s):

    1.Concluding and reiterating the overall concepts mentioned in this file.

    2.Emotional bond with the Imam of our Time, our Master and praying for his reappearance.

    3. Reiterating the fact that he is the son of Imam Ali (AS), and that by praying for him and doing good deeds we can help in hastening his reappearance, so he can come sooner and fill the world with justice, and tranquility.

    Procedures-Supplies Needed:

    1.It is important that this part of the program is done in a quiet and calm environment, while paying utmost attention to the prayers.

    2.Starting the dua after reminding the kids about the importance of praying for the reappearance of the Imam of Our Time- Imam Mahdi (May God Hasten His Return.)

    3.It is suggested that while the dua is being recited the Arabic version of the dua to be presented simultaneously along with the translation in the local language.


    10-15 Minutes

    Concluding words/Reciting Dua al-Faraj:

    My dears, I hope that you have enjoyed your time with us today. And that you are happy that you have participated in this ceremony. Hopefully, we will see you next time together. Now, I have a question for you all, I want to see who has been paying attention! My dears now that our beloved Prophet is not among us to show us the right path in life! Right? What can we do to understand the right way to live life? Whoever wants to answer my question please raise your hand!

    Yes, you are all right! We can learn the right way to live, and be good Muslims by reading the Qur’an, and the narrations or the saying of our Prophet, which has been handed down to us from old books. For example, from those books that have been handed down to us from our beloved Prophet we can know that trustworthiness and observing other people’s turn is a good thing to do. In fact, it is a responsibility of a good person to be careful to not violate the rights of others and respect them. Or even though our Prophet had such a great status, and was the greatest human being, but he was never arrogant, and treated others with humility. This way everyone enjoyed being around him. Therefore, we should also try to be like that, and not be arrogant. Or know that wasting the blessings that God has given us is not a good thing to do. Just like how we thank others for the gifts they give us and use them the right way; we should do the same thing with the blessings God gives us; try not to waste them, and don’t try to use more than what we need. We should also remember, to think about those who don’t have such blessings, and are in need.

    I have one more interesting thing to point out. My dears! Do you know what our next ceremony is? A very big and important celebration! It’s the celebration of the 15th of Sha’baan. Did you all understand! It’s a very big day! It’s the celebration of the birth of Imam of our Time. My dears, we can be good kids till that time and do good things. And give the good things we will do, as a gift to the Imam of Our Time. Whoever agrees and wants to make the Imam of Our Time happy then recite a loud salawaat.

    Now let’s all recite together dua al-Faraj and ask God to give our Imam good health and help him to return quicker so he can fill the world with goodness!


    Translation of Dua al-Faraj

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    O’ God, send your blessings upon Muhammad and the Household

    of Muhammad

    O’ God, at this moment and every moment

    Be a guardian, a protector, a leader, a helper

    a proof, and an eye for Your representative & proof, Mahdi son of Al-Hassan,

    Your blessings be upon him and his ancestors

    guard him as long as he lives on this earth as a ruler

    benefit him and bless him with everything You and this earth has to offer